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Chef Francesco Pecoraro: Lo Zuccotto Toscano o Zuccotto Fiorentino

Writer's picture: Gianluca DeianaGianluca Deiana

Zuccotto Fiorentino / Zuccotto Toscano

Prep time: 45 min

Cook time: 30 min

Difficulty: 2 out of 5

Serves: 8 - 10 people


6 eggs,

1/8 cup. of butter,

3/4 cup white chocolate,

1 cup of. 00 flour,

1 cup. potato flour (fecola di patate)

1 table spoon of lemon zest

1 1/8. candied fruit,

3 1/2 sugar,

5 cup of Ricotta cheese, (Preferably sheep)

1/8 cup powder cocoa.


1) Prepare the syrup: Put on the fire a saucepan with 70 ml of water and two tablespoons of sugar and let it dissolve completely. Once off the heat to cool the syrup and add 70 ml of rum

2) Prepare a soft and fragrant sponge cake (Pan di spagna) by whip the eggs until they form picks then fold in with 1 cup of sugar, flour, melted butter and lemon zest. Bake at 360/380 /190 'for about 20-25 minutes and let it cool.

3) Sift the ricotta with the re3st of sugar, divide the mixture in half 'on one half add the candied fruit and in the other the soluble cocoa with white chocolate coarsely shredded.

4) Cut the sponge cake into thin slices (about half inches) and cover the whole mold; using a brush moistened the sponge cake using all of the prepared syrup (leave just a little bit of syrup to brush the slices that will close the Zuccotto).

5) Put in the fridge for 3 - 4 hours

Wine Pairing:


Champagne or Prosecco

Limoncello/Liquirizia/Fico (Liquore Dolce)

Chefs Corner:

Lo Zucotto is a typical sweet of the Florentine culinary tradition, whose origins date back to an invention by Bernardo Buontalenti for one of the banquets of the Medici family.

Originally known by the name "Elmo Catherine", it was characterized by totally different ingredients from those that characterize the modern version. In fact, the original recipe called for the use of cottage cheese, cocoa grains and citrus peel for the internal filling of which was bestowed a main aspect white monochrome, while the outer coating was characterized by spicing with alchermes which gave him a very bright red.

Check more recipes from: Chef Francesco Pecoraro


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