Prep. time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Difficulty: 2 out of 5
Serve: 4
4 large eggs
1 teaspoon of clarified butter per egg
oregano qb
salt qb
black pepper qb
hot red pepper qb
thyme qb
rosemary qb
2 cups of tomato sauce
Heat the tomato sauce in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Make four hollowed-out spaces. First place in this space peace of butter then put one egg in each space. Cover and cook until eggs are done they way you like them. Place eggs and sauce on plates, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese, salt, fresh ground pepper, and chopped parsley and serve.
#Uovaalpomodoro #PoachedEggsinItalianTomatoSauce #chefgianlucadeianaabis #italiantradition #italy #italianchef
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