Besciamella - The White Sauce - Béchamel

Prep. time: 5
Cook Time: 10
Difficulty: 1 out of 5
Serve: 4/6
3.5 oz.(100gr) of butter
3.5 oz.(100gr) of Flour 00 (multipurpose Must be Italian)
1 liter of milk (the milk must be very fresh and whole)
1 pinch grated nutmeg
Sea salt to taste
To prepare the sauce, place the milk in a small saucepan to heat flavored the milk with nutmeg and a pinch of salt . In an other sauce pan melt the butter over low heat then turn off the heat and add the sifted flour, stirring with a whisk to avoid lumps. Then put on low heat and stir until it becomes golden brown (Roux)
Add the milk little bit at the time to the roux, stirring vigorously with a whisk, let it cook for 5-6 minutes on low heat (keep whisking) until the sauce has thickened and begins to boil. Voila' your besciamella is ready.
Wine pairing:
Savignon Blanc
Amaro della Valpolicella
Cote du rhone
Chef Tips:
You can use Besciamella for many dishes such as lasagne, cannelloni, pasticci, gnocchi alla parigina and many other pasta dishes. I personally love besciamella sauce, I use it all the time for my Vegetable Gratin (vegetali gratinati) or when I make Tortellini con Panna e prosciutto etc...
Chefs Corner:
At origins to make the besciamella with slow cooking milk, broth and spices, mix with the addition of cream.
Besciamella, was born in Tuscany, it was known as "la salsa colla" (the glue sauce) was imported to France by Catherine de ' Medici . The current name made its appearance in the 15th century Italian Cookbook. known as the kitchen of the Medici, and was subsequently reinterpreted at the French court in Le cuisinier françois ("The French chef", published in 1651) by François Pierre (de) La Varenne (1615-1678.0) Chef Nicolas Chalon du Blé, Marquis d'uxelles, the founding text of French cuisine. The name was meant to honor the courtier to Louis de Béchameil, Marquis de Nointel (1603-1703). The name has changed over the centuries, passing from being called "salsa balsamella" glue, "", until the current Besciamella.
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