Master Pastry Chef Giuseppe Sparatello started his apprenticeship as a child, in his families' company. His father had a wholesale business which produced and sold confectionary products. This is where the young chef humbly began his career cleaning trays then went on to work in all aspects of the industry.
The turning point in his carrier came later on, when he went to work for a well-known pastry Chef. He was fascinated by his amazing skills and decided to learn everything he could about the art of pastry, from the best Chefs out there!
His journey started very early in his life when chef Sparatello decided to delve into the culinary world.
He began by attending high pastry courses, with Master Chefs of national and international recognition. After years of studying and hard work Chef Sparatello opened his first store at Castronovo in Sicily, and immediately after another store in San Giovanni Gemini.
Chef Sparatello decided to start a consulting venture, for various companies in the pastry sector around the world. His passion was to teach and transmit the art of Sicilian pastry. Currently Chef Sparatello his launching a new line of Biological products which reflect his deep care for the quality of the food we eat.
I ask my editor not to translate this part of the interview, because it deserve to be read it in Italian,
"La linea dei miei dolci e una linea di gusti basata sulla semplicità , e sull'esplosione di sapori veri.. Quando creo un dolce già l ho immagino e lo gusto nella mia mente prima ancora della realizazione.. proprio come quando un pittore disegna un quadro.. cerco di essere libero mentalmente e di dare spazio alla mia creatività cercando sempre di legare l innovazione alla tradizione che in fondo sappiamo bene, che è quella che non può sbagliare mai.
Ringrazio con tutto il mio cuore Dio e la mia famiglia che mi hanno supportato ."
Company - Restaurant: Dolce Tentazione
Location: Sicily Italy
#EliteChef #ChefGiuseppeSparacello #MasterPastryChef #DolceTentazione #Sicily #Chefitalianinelmondo #zafferanoandcofriends
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