Prep. time: 40 minutes
Cook Time: 40 minutes
Difficulty: 2 out of 5
Serve: 4-6
Ingredients: 6 Hard Boiled Eggs
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1 tbsp spicy brown mustard
1/8 tsp Cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp Paprika
1 tbsp Freshly chopped parsley
First we have make a perfect hard boiled eggs.
Fill a saucepan about a quarter of the way with water. Place the eggs in a single layer at the bottom of the saucepan. Add more water so that the eggs are covered by at least an inch or two of water.
The more eggs that are crowding the pan the more water you should have over the eggs. 6 eggs should be covered by at least an inch. Heat the pot on high heat and bring the water to a full rolling boil.
Turn off the heat, keep the pan on the hot burner, cover, and let sit for about 12 minutes. Strain the water from the pan and run cold water over the eggs to cool them quickly and stop them from cooking further.
I find it easiest to peel the eggs under a bit of running water.
Peel the shell off the egg. Cut each egg in half and scoop out the yolk into a small bowl. Place empty whites of the egg halves on a plate.
In a small bowl, mash the yolks. Add mayonnaise, mustard, spice and mix together until well blended with no lumps.
Open pastry bag fitted with piping tip. Place egg yolk mixture in the bag. Pip yolk mixture into the egg white shells to make a swirl effect. Garnish with sprinkles of parsley and paprika on top of each egg. Refrigerate covered until cold. Serve.
Chef tips:
Older eggs are easier to peel than fresh eggs. If you are planning to make hard boiled eggs for Easter and want to make sure that the eggs are easy to peel, buy your eggs at least a week ahead of time (two weeks even better, they'll keep).
Adding a teaspoon of vinegar to the water may help keep egg whites from running out if an egg does crack while cooking.
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